Autumn Winds and New Friends

Autumn time is upon us, and with it has come many new beginnings!  As the cooler winds hint at the changing seasons, we spend our days crafting, harvesting from our summer garden, and getting to know new friends at school.









Last week we said good-bye to our dear Mama Abbie and her son Ellis, who have been with us at Rose Rock since before Ellis’s birth in 2014. Mama Abbie cared for the children in our smallest room, before they moved up to become wondergarteners in one of the larger rooms.   We will all miss her warm hugs and the embrace that came with a deep understanding of the young child, and her ability to meet them just where they are at such a young age.


With the start of our school year, we welcomed Mama Christina into our community to take the place as teacher in Abbie’s room.  Christina comes to us from California with a rich background and certification in Waldorf education. With her gentle and calming presence there has been nary a hiccup in folding her into the children’s lives.  Learn more about Mama Christina at our Faculty page.

As we work and play, Grandma Ann, with the help of a Mama Ashley in the kitchen, provides us all with delicious and hearty foods to nourish body and mind. Our Fall menu is ushers in the flavors and feelings of the season. Full of seasonal veggies and warming, comforting foods, we have some very happy and full bellies come nap time! Grandma Ann has incorporated the Grains of the Day into our week with this menu.  The concept of an “assigned” grain for every day is connected to ancient practices of consuming a grain each day that shares qualities with the day’s planetary ruler.  Each grain has an “influence” upon the body that goes beyond physical nourishment. Currently, the grains of the day are used in many Waldorf schools and LifeWays centers as a way to deepen the weekly rhythm and incorporate foods that offer a diversity of flavors, textures, nutrition, and spiritual benefits. We are pleased to present our fall menu!

Week A

Monday (Rice): 

Vegetable & cheese frittata with seasonal fruit

Chicken, Rice & Broccoli Casserole, black beans topped with yogurt, and veggies

Crackers with nut butter and fruit

Tuesday (Barley):

Yogurt, granola, and seasonal fruit

Barley, beef & veggie soup, homemade rolls, and seasonal veggies

Crackers, cheese, and pickles

Wednesday (Millet):

Oat & Millet porridge with seasonal fruit

Pastitsio and seasonal veggies

Dried fruit and nuts

Thursday (Rye):

Chicken breakfast sausage, homemade yogurt biscuits, and seasonal fruit

Soup of the Day, homemade focaccia, and seasonal veggies

Rye crackers, dates and nuts

Friday (Oats):

Homemade muffins and fruit

Bring your own lunch picnic

Popcorn and fruit or veggie sticks

Week B

Monday (Rice):

Vegetable & cheese frittata with seasonal fruit

Mama Alicia’s “It’s Dal-icious” Dal over rice, with seasonal veggies (featured in the RRS Cookbook)

Crackers with nut butter and fruit

Tuesday (Barley):

Yogurt, granola, and seasonal fruit

Mama Acacia’s Autumn Hash (featured in the RRS Cookbook) with homemade rolls

Crackers, cheese, and pickles

Wednesday (Millet):

Oat & Millet porridge

Pasta fagioli and seasonal veggies

Dried fruit and nuts

Thursday (Rye):

Chicken breakfast sausage, homemade yogurt biscuits, and seasonal fruit

Homemade Chicken Pot Pie and seasonal veggies

Rye crackers, dates, and nuts

Friday (Oats):

Homemade muffins and fruit

Bring your own lunch picnic

Popcorn and fruit or veggie sticks