Rose Rock School Featured in LifeWays Newletter

LifeWays North America recently put out a call for submissions to their latest newsletter inviting graduates and affiliates to write about “The Many Faces of LifeWays.” In reading the newsletter, one gets a sampling of the diversity of ways in which the LifeWays training relates to life, families and children, beyond the typical child care home. We were invited to participate in the newsletter as the featured program because we currently operate as the only LifeWays affiliated child care center and home in the nation, quite possibly by any other affiliation as well. We were happy to participate and are proud to share our article with you now:

The Art of Extending Families

by Shanah Ahmadi

“A warm and hearty hello from Norman, Oklahoma! In keeping with the theme: “The Many Faces of LifeWays,” I would like to describe our childcare center, Rose Rock School. At Rose Rock, we are not a center or a home, we are both a center and a home. This means that Monday – Friday, 25 sparkly children ages 2-6, play, laugh, storm, grow, and explore at 1515 W. Main St, the address of our center. The very same address is also home to a lovely family of five–where baths are taken, Sunday pancakes are prepared, sibling squabbles are heard, and evening prayers are said. It is a dynamic, sometimes complicated, ecosystem that we have created, and a wonderful one that I would like to share with you….” (read more)

Ringa Singa Success

A big THANK YOU to all of our dear Rose Rock supporters- friends & family alike- for a fabulous party at the Ringa Singa Ball on Saturday night!

A special thank you to STASH for creating such a hip event space, complete with a retro playground piece for the kids!

Thank you to all of our Food committee volunteers for the down-right delicious BBQ spread.

Party vibes definitely filled the air as families kicked up their heels on the dance floor to the beats laid down by Papa George! And gathered together for folk dancing called by the lovely Noel Osborn.

Thank you for all the tasty cakes donated by our families for yet again a hugely successful TWO cake walks!

This year’s prizes were a fabulous and fun variety donated by both businesses and individuals.  We would like to give a shout out to the businesses who contributed-
Copelin’s Office Center (and toy store)
Active Chiropractic
Guestroom Records
Therafunction Inc.
The Montford Inn
The Earth
Lohmann’s Good Things