Four Bodies of Influence

Rudolf Steiner, the founder of the Waldorf education movement, provided a balanced view of educating the child through body, mind, and spirit. He also related the value of perceiving the school as a living being with varied components, which work alongside and balance one another. At Rose Rock, we recognize the wisdom of Steiner’s philosophy, as it helps us to realize the contributions of the four bodies of influence within our organization–teachers, administrators, parents, and trustees. We consciously acknowledge the vitality that each body gives to our school and the beauty and importance of the bodies collaborating harmoniously.

  • College of Teachers: The College of Teachers, made up of full-time teachers, provides oversight to the school’s curriculum development, pedagogical policy, program administration, faculty hiring and dismissal, professional development, and student admissions. The College of Teachers is the decision-making body in these areas. Faculty must ask the Board for input on decisions that impact the budget, such as adding, eliminating, or changing programs, and the creation and/or elimination of faculty positions.
  • Administrative Body: Professional administrative staff brings support and oversight to a wide range of administrative and business matters. The Administration carries out the necessary day-to-day business activities of coordinating and operating the organization. It carries out the decisions and standing policies of the Board and College of Teachers and strives to serve the needs of the Faculty, parents, and students.
  • Parent Body: Parents enrich the school by actively engaging in the care and education of their children. Each parent participates in annual fundraisers. They can choose from designated school chores (maintenance, outreach, gardening, festivals, food prep, sewing, laundry) to complete their volunteer hours, or they can participate in the growth and success of the school by donating another talent they possess.  They can also participate in any standing committee (on the Board) open to non-Trustees.
  • Board of Trustees: The role of the Board of Trustees is to provide for the financial and physical well-being of the School and to protect its legal interests. Decisions support the tenets of the school’s mission and its underlying philosophy. The Board shall provide leadership in developing and carrying out the long-term vision and mission of the school, working collaboratively with its Faculty, Administration and Parents. The majority of the Board’s work is done through several standing committees.