A Ringa Singa Thank You!

If you walk by Rose Rock School in the mid-morning, you might hear one of the teachers singing softly:

I’ll give you my hand

Please give yours to me

Ringa ringa ringa

Singa singa singa

The verse, though simple, serves the purpose of bringing the children together.

When the children hear these familiar notes ringing out across the schoolyard, they immediately come to the center and take up their friends hands joyfully, for they know it is Circle Time (a short interlude with gesture, games, dance and song). Or, during the busy lunch hour, we sing the verse before blessing.

Though its ostensible purpose is to call children into a group, the verse has taken on deeper meaning as the school grows.  In addition to calling the children together, the verse also serves as a signal that something great is about to happen.  Something bigger and more meaningful than our individual selves.  With bated breath, they give their hands, and wait with ready smiles.  What follows is a soul soothing acknowledgement of each other, and the good in humanity.

This past Saturday, families of past Rose Rock students, extended families of current students, families of incoming students and friends all gathered to celebrate the community that is the Rose Rock School.

As with many of our school festivals and events, the Ringa Singa Ball was, indeed, something great.  And for that, we would like to extend our whole-hearted thanks to all of you for the success of this night.


To those who put on their chef’s hats to provide us with a tasty picnic-style feast…



To those who kicked up their heals to dance….






To those who took the chance at a raffle prize, or shimmied and shook during the stuffed-full cake walk turned Cake Dance….





To those who weren’t there in person but generously donated to support us on this lovely night-  WE GIVE OUR THANKS!