A Kindergarten Opening

***Update: Our opening has been filled. Thank you to all who recommended Rose Rock School to their friends!***

Here’s your chance, Norman! Rose Rock is saying good-bye to one of our dear children as her family embarks on a trip to Germany, and so we have an opening in the Gnomes class for a kindergartner between ages 3 1/2 and 6 years.

And for a taste of what we have to offer, here is a glimpse of our recent days:

We have been welcomed by autumn’s cool mornings as we began kindergarten craft and eating morning snack indoors within the last two weeks. Mama Shanah and Mama Acacia’s kindergartners have formed play dough, drawn with beeswax crayons, listened and participated in a watercolor story and just today made wool felted dragon eggs in light of our coming Michaelmas festival.

The winds are blowing about the playground and bringing  changes to the trees, flowers and animals around the yard in which the children have been delighted during our 1 1/2 hour long outdoor playtime and late summer circle. They have been climbing trees and then piling rocks and logs in attempt to climb bigger trees. They have been digging in the sandboxes and digging in the dirt… well, everywhere. They have been chasing friends, pulling wagons, tying ropes, throwing balls and collecting nature items. All of it good-for-you hard play and thoroughly tiring.

Hard play makes for large appetites, especially for tasty dishes made by Mama Alicia like our Autumn Shepherd’s Pie Hash from today’s menu. We tell stories throughout the day at Rose Rock, but our formal story time has been welcomed back whole-heartedly by the children as we begin with annual favorites such as To Walpe and Snowflake and the Dragon.   At nap time, there have been rooms full of sleepy children relaxing onto their mats with hair brushing, gentle massages and Mama Abbie reading a story and singing lullabies.

Our late summer days wouldn’t be complete without one more chance to snack and play outside after nap time. The children continue play from earlier or invent new games with a few siblings that join us after their time in elementary school. At the end of each day, there is much to share and chat about as we greet eager moms and dads ready to reunite with their joyful children.

We welcome you to begin the application process by emailing Shanah Ahmadi at roserockschool@gmail.com.  You may find tuition information here and learn more about our kindergarten curriculum here.  You can see our spring menu here, which will be shifting into our full autumn menu in the next couple weeks.